MCSE Certification
MCSE Required Exams
Courses Offered by DPEC to Prepare for the Exams
NT Workstation 4.0
(Exam 70-73)
4.0 Workstation Installation and Configuration
4.0 Workstation Connectivity and Resource
4.0 Workstation Troubleshooting
NT Server 4.0
(Exam 70-67)
4.0 Server: Planning & Installation
4.0 Server: Configuration
4.0 Server: Resource Management
4.0 Server: Monitoring and Troubleshooting
NT Server 4.0 - Enterprise
(Exam 70-68)
4.0 Enterprise: Configuration
4.0 Enterprise: Connectivity
Networking Essentials
(Exam 70-58)
Networking Essentials: Terminology
Networking Essentials: Standards
Networking Essentials: Planning A Topology
Networking Essentials: Planning Connections
Networking Essentials: Implementations
Networking Essentials: Troubleshooting
MCSE Elective Exams
Exchange Server 4.0
(Exam 70-75)
Planning for MS Exchange Server
Installing and Configuring MS Exchange Server
Administering and Managing MS Exchange Server
SQL Server 6.5
(Exam 70-026)
6.5: Introduction
6.5: Installation and Setup
6.5: Users and Replication
6.5: Database Administration
6.5: System Management
6.5: Tuning for Performance
MOUS Certification
For MOUS certification, we currently offer training necessary to prepare for two of the sections required to sit for the exam. Those courses are:
Word 97: Getting Started
Word 97: Formatting Documents
Word 97: Using Productivity Tools
Excel 97: Getting Started
Excel 97: Modifying Worksheets
Excel 97: Using Excel Tools
As of June 1998, Sylvan Prometric and Virtual University Enterprises (VUE), independent testing organizations, administer all Microsoft Certified Professional exams. You can reach Sylvan by calling (800) 755-EXAM (3926) and VUE at
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