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In the News
New Salvadoran president vows to tackle crime, unemployment provides a virtual headquarters for your business, no matter how widely-scattered your branches, associates, and customers may be. We can set you up with a password-protected virtual office suite where you can present training seminars, hold real-time conferences, post information for your staff or your customers (password-controlled), use an "internal" email system, post calendars and provide meeting scheduling aids, and provide forms such as vacation requests, expense vouchers, and insurance claims for your staff. The features are described in more detail below:

Learning Center
In cooperation with DPEC, nearly 200 business and technical courses are available on-line, including business, management, and professional skills training, and Microsoft certification training.
Business, literature, and other books, complete online.
Partnerships with and Barnes and Noble allow your associates to find and purchase books online.
KnowNews e.Wire
Through the ClariNet™ news service, you can keep abreast of current events, updated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
World-wide internet access
Through the iPass™ Alliance, your mobile associates can get internet access through local providers nearly anywhere in this country and the world.